The Annunciation/Evangelismos Parish Council

The Parish Council comprises eleven individuals seeking to serve God by being servant leaders to our clergy, ministries, and community. While Parish Council members are diverse in age, length of membership, skills, level of financial giving, and interests, all members share the joy of working together to further the ministries and build a Christ-centered parish of faith and love. Servant leaders are key participants in setting the future direction of the community and maintaining the principles of our Mission and Vision.

Duties and Participation 

In the Oath of Office, the parish council members affirm that they “…will fulfill faithfully and sincerely the duties and obligations required of a member of the Parish Council….” No contract is signed, but a promise is made which rests on the shared commitment of all council members to serve the Church, which is the Body of Christ on earth. We are His hands, feet, eyes, and more. To serve on the council is a ministry and a mission. We are called to use the gifts with which we have been blessed to carry out the work of the Church.

Council members' duties and responsibilities range from ensuring the good governance of the community, discussing long-range plans, reviewing monthly financials, overseeing the staff, helping with church-wide events like the OPA Festival, and promoting vital ministry programs and activities. They strive to connect with our parishioners, greet and usher during worship services, and build relationships.

The 2024 Parish Council 
  • Constantine Dalson, President
  • Anthony Vlahos, Vice President
  • James Papacostas, Secretary
  • Demetrios Papakirk, Treasurer
  • Panagiotis Giannoumis, Assistant Treasurer
  • Members: Leontios Diamantas, Evangelos Exarchos, Apostolos Fisfis, Panagiotis Kyriakou, Afrodite Patounas, Russell Penning.
Contact Person

Dean Dalson, Parish Council President


Current Parish Council Events & Projects 


Parish Council Documents


Parish Life Annual Reports

We present our Annual Report to our community yearly at our parishioners' Spring General Assembly. We use this report to express our heartfelt gratitude to our parishioners for your generosity and trust. As the report highlights, your generous gifts enable our ministerial work here and beyond our parish.