Welcome to Our Website!
We are an Orthodox Christian community under the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and the Holy Metropolis of New Jersey. We are the 6th oldest Greek Orthodox community in the United States (established in 1901), located in Elkins Park, a charming northern suburb of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Quick Links to Current and Upcoming Events
October: Homeless & GOYA Ministries "SOCKTOBER" Sock Drive >>
Thursday, October 17: Philoptochos Youth Service Project >>
Friday, October 18: Del Val GOYA Rodeo Dance >>
Sunday, October 20: A Night with Dimitris Mpasis - Federation Fundraiser >>
Monday, October 21: The Fall General Assembly of Our Parishioners >>
Sunday, October 27: Philadelphia 13th Annual IOCC Banquet >>
November: Matthew 25 Ministry Turkey Drive>>
Sunday, November 3: Delaware Valley Region Ambassador Awards Banquet >>
Thursday, November 7: Philoptochos Annual Bid & Buy >>
November 8-10: Regional GOYA Fall Retreat >>
Saturday, November 16: Advent Retreat "The Nativity">>
Friday, November 22: GOYA Friendsgiving Dinner >>
Saturday, November 16
What is the Nativity, The Incarnation of Christ, all about?
Ministry Life
We offer many ministry opportunities for adults, youth, and children of all ages to get involved and grow in the faith...
Catechism School
Welcome back our students for another great year of learning about their beautiful faith and getting to know their Orthodox peers...
Ελληνικό Σχολείο
We want to give a warm welcome to all our new families and wish all our students and their teachers Μια καλή αρχή και καλή σχολική χρονιά!
and support the growth and development of our youth programs...
GOYA ministers to young people in seventh through twelfth grades...
Join Philoptochos and make a difference in the lives of people in our community, in the United States, and around the world...
Orthodox Observer
Archiepiscopal encyclicals, and the latest church news.
Stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasure
The Stewardship Program at Annunciation is a simple, practical, and, above all, Christian plan to finance and operate our church. The Program places responsibility on every parishioner for supporting our church and its ministries and planning for the future.
Learn More »Online Chapel
Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.