HOME: Ministry Life

HOME: Leadership


The Council of Ministries was established by the Priest and the Parish Council and tasked with supporting current ministries and facilitating the process of establishing new ministries based on initiatives of the community. The Council of Ministries is a vehicle for communication, recruitment, and accountability among ministries and the Priest and Parish Council.

The Council of Ministries strives to help members match their gifts and passions with the ministries best suited to use of those gifts and passions for the glory of God. Toward that end, we seek to improve the dissemination of information about various ministries at Annunciation for those who might like to becoming involved with them. In these pages you will find basic information about each ministry and how the particular ministry furthers our mission and vision.


The Council of Ministries is comprised of the leaders of each ministry.

Frequency of Meetings: 

We meet on a quarterly basis to report to the Parish Council and coordinate our activities.

Peter Gouris


HOME: Ministry Life

HOME: Leadership